About me

I’m Atsuko, a passionate personal color consultant, dedicated to helping individuals discover and embrace their unique beauty. I can’t wait to work with you!

With my certification in Sci\Art color analysis by Your Natural Design founded by Terry Wildfong, I bring a wealth of expertise and proven color analysis techniques to each of my clients. I trained in Tokyo to get certified in Japanese cosmetics application by the renowned Japanese Face Type Analysis Association, a leading Image Consulting Service company in Japan.

Alongside Personal Color Analysis, I will help you discover your holistic natural beauty approach through elegant cosmetic recommendations and techniques that perfectly match your seasonal tone.

I pair my training and passion with an extensive international corporate career working for iconic consumer brands in the U.S. and Japan. I understand the importance of confidence in a corporate setting as well as everyday life, and how these benefit from tailored combinations of fashion and cosmetics. My mission is to make you feel beautiful, confident, and empowered through the Personal Color Analysis process.

I live in Wellesley, MA, with my husband, our 9-year-old daughter, and our lovable English Bulldog named Sumo. I’m excited to serve you and the Greater Boston community!